The Beat Delivery
12 Dec 2007

So for the past two days I've been sitting at my laptop in the office working away but instead of listening to the new Fabric Mix (I've got better dubstep than that. poor effort) I've been watching and listening to Le Web 3 which is in internet conference that took place in Paris. It looked great and I'd love to geek it up at Le Web but tickets cost about a grand!?! So I watched the live feed instead.

Possible the biggest insight and education on whats happening with web 2.0 todays. However it was interesting to note that podcasting wasn't talked about during the seminars in the main conference hall, is it old hat? Maybe its just in the main stream now so geeks aren't interested.

Anyway one of the most amazing discussions I've listened to this year happened between Marc Canter (Broadband Mechanics), Tariq Krim (NetVibes), Hans Peter Brondmo (Plum), Patrick Chanezon (Google) and Susan Kish (European Energy Forum). All discussing and arguing over the future of social networks, privacy issues and how these networks will hopefully start integrating to allow users to enter info once rather than 5, 10 or 20 times.

A little bird pointed my nose in the direction of this audio recording of the debate. The start is cut off but basically we enter the discussion when Google has started talking about its new open social platform which I hear will one day integrate into their open mobile platform. I can't wait!!!

Enjoy the discussion :


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