The Beat Delivery
25 Jan 2008

During lunch today I went on a mission to buy some haggis to celebrate Rabbie Burns Nicht the nicht and on my way back form the butchers none other than Edith Bowman was playing Benga & Coki "Night"!?!

Could this herald the end of Dubstep as we know it? Is this the first ever day time mainstream radio play of a dubstep track? First I hope not and second, probably? I've now heard this track three times on Radio 1, once on Zane Low which I guess is acceptable and now at 14:10 on Edith Bowman. Edith's no bad, she's a Scottish lass done good and she's probably got a half decent taste in music but the fact that Radio 1 have playlisted Benga is a bad sign. If I heard on day time again I might have to stop playing it altogether and I don't want to cause its one of the top tracks in my small collection.

If anyone at Radio 1 reads this... take dubstep off the daytime playlists please! It's just gonna get ruined. It's not that I want to keep it to myself but as soon as it goes overground its over and there's so much more to come. I know it.

Check out Benga & Coki "Night"

PS. Benga isn't the end if dubstep if anything he's the reincarnation


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