The Beat Delivery
5 Mar 2008

Ah its been a while I know but I'm still here and still locating the topper most mixes and music bits for ya.

Excuses :
1) My best/flat mate Scouser John has left the building for warmer climates and fatter cheques. God speed!!
2) My lapop and car have both packed it in in the same fortnight and I'm now getting heavy withdrawl symptoms.
3) RadioMagnetic is taking off and servicing it myself is becoming tricky. Got some brilliant work experience girls in so spending more time developing programs and ideas. watch this space...
4) my web2.0 genius is in hot demand from another client and got 8 days work to fit into 5.

Right enough bitching, time for something truly amazing. If you'r doing work this will help you bash it out a bit quicker, If you'r doing the dishes get ready for some soggy socks and if it's the weekend get ready to blast your ass out the door to the club of your choice!!

It's those Switchy Sinden bashers Crookers and a fresh new mix full of bad ass booty-quake tracks.

Check it!!

PS. Props to Trash Menagerie for locating this first


Unknown said...

The Crookers suck ass. Fact.

Tone Y said...

well everyone's entitled to a shit opinion I guess...

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